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Sidhe Messages Regarding COVID 19

In a recent Lorian Association Class - “Engaging with the Sidhe” two of the presenters, David Spangler and Susan Stanton Rotman, received messages from the Sidhe regarding current COVID-19 virus and its impact upon humanity. They have agreed to share them. — Ed.


My primary contact with the Sidhe is a Sidhe woman I call Mariel. I don't know how to translate her actual name into English.  I occasionally have other contacts, but she is the primary one.  Lately, when I've tried to contact her, I've gotten the equivalent of a busy signal, and she has indicated that she is on a form of retreat while she does work exclusive to her and the Sidhe with whom she is working.

However, this morning she did contact me.  She said, "We are aware of the needs rising in the human world at this time.  This need is one for support and connection, quite apart from the illness that lies behind this crisis.  We can be helpful, but we need you to provide the specifics that can link us to your world."

What followed was a clear image of a form of daily meditation.  It goes something like this:

  • I stand in my Sovereignty and Self-Light and attune to the Light that holds and permeates all the worlds around me, subtle and physical.

  • I attune to a Sidhe contact or to the Sidhe in general through my own felt sense of their presence and nature.

  • I invite the Sidhe to join me in a moment of attention, prayer, and blessing directed to a specific person or class of persons. For example, "Today, let us focus upon and bless the doctors and nurses working in hospitals" or "Today, let us focus upon the chaplains working with the ill, the dying, and with the doctors and nurses in the hospitals," or "Today, let us focus on the delivery people who are out delivering goods we need," or "Today, let us focus on the grocery clerks who are enabling us to find food," and so on. In other words, I hold in mind a group of people helping in or affected by this crisis and use my link with or understanding of that group to direct the helpful, life-affirming energies of my Sidhe allies towards them.

  • I hold this sense of myself and my Sidhe allies singing/sending blessing, Life, vitality, Light into that group.  

  • I hold this for as long as feels comfortable and then I let it go, thanking my Sidhe allies.

  • Tomorrow, I will do this for another group, the next day for another, and so on, a new group each day or, if I feel its needed, repeating with a group to which we've already attuned.

As I understand this, this exercise is helpful for us but mostly it is defining for the Sidhe,who otherwise may not know, who needs help in this crisis.  It gives them a window and a link into our human world and a suggestion of how they can help using their own initiative.


From Susan regarding the message she received:

A male contact, I can’t quite make out the name, begins with a D sound I think, but not a common name, seems to be in a language I don’t know.  A tall and luminous presence of light.

This is not a time to retreat or to lose hope. We have been where you are, in our own time and history. Perhaps the details of crises varied, on the surface, but the juncture of crisis and choice is similar. And we regret how we chose, we often have doubted we made the best choice, even though it was made with the best of intention.

We want you to know that you are given a choice now to be present in this form and vibrational ground and to work with it and within it to bring correction and balance and a new future to your world. We recognize the condition from our own past.

When we were faced with such circumstances and decisions to make, we felt it would be better to retreat from this particular form into a different construct. This did not happen suddenly, it happened gradually and over time, and we did not all come to the same choices at the same time. But ultimately, we chose a direction which required withdrawal from our original world. We gained other opportunities here, in this world that we came into and now inhabit. But we gave up a possibility to repair and restore what was in deterioration, perhaps prematurely. And there was loss in that.

You are actually faced with a very similar situation in the present time—an opportunity to choose to begin anew or to abandon the project. You may not appreciate that this is the scope of the choice you are facing, but it is so familiar to us we feel the need to say something of our own experience.

We did not set out to disrupt or abandon our home as we knew it. We arrived at a time and place where we thought we had no option. But we did. And so do you. You inhabit a glorious planet and system filled with great resources, of all kinds, and immense grace and beauty. It can be rehabilitated, it is not too late. Do not lose sight of this prospect, this truth.

The current social, economic, environmental, and other institutional maladies on the planet are bringing your options into high relief. This is actually a positive manifestation in our view. We share a great sense of prospect that is quite exciting if you understand the full context of your capabilities and your power to make change.

Carpe Diem!

Copyright © 2020 Susan Stanton Rotman