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Human and Sidhe - Weaving a New Future

In the last post Susan Stanton Rotman conveyed a “conversation” she had with a member of the Sidhe that compared the historical choices the Sidhe took and our current situation with the Covid 19 virus. This communication took place on March 16th. About a month later on April 12th and 14th the Sidhe returned to clarify their first exchange and to express a broader perspective on our mutual situation. — Ed.

Message from April 12, 2020

We are a diverse people, but we are coming together from our separate groups to work with you and your group at this most important time. This situation is not only uniting you, it is bringing together Sidhe from various aspects.

This is an important moment, and we recognize it. You have the possibility of learning as a human incarnate race how to hold light while holding incarnation. When we retreated, we did so because we did not think we could hold light in physical density. We now believe that this is not the case, at least not now, and you have the opportunity to learn to transmute light.

We mean that humans in incarnate form are built to be transformers, not only in their actions and the figurative sense, but also in a rather physical sense that you may convert light into your physical form, and thereby bring source light into your incarnation as love.

We share common origins, not only in time and in DNA, but also in density, in materiality. We each originated in light and our first form was light made into earth, into matter. We separated at the juncture of time when the texture and grain of human incarnate density became too uncomfortable to us, it rubbed and irritated our sensibilities and our forms. This irritation, discomfort, arose out of the increased dominance of ego and mental identification with self, to the exclusion of larger consciousness.

It became increasingly difficult for us to maintain our light resonance in that circumstance and so gradually we withdrew. We need not repeat that history here, you are aware of it. We reference it now to give you an understanding of how very pressed we felt to withdraw, how tremendously challenged we were by the torque we felt between our alignment with our original light and the friction caused by the demands of density in matter. We could not see our way to resolving this conflict other than to lessen the density we move in.

However, it appears to us, now, as we witness your crises and the Gaian conditions, that an alternative resolution is possible and presents itself now, both to you and to us as a consequence.

Light can be transmuted into matter, and indeed it has been from time to time in human experience. We meet you today upon the celebration of Easter, a day of reminder of the transmutation of light into the person of Christ. The story of Jesus Christ is a memory of light manifestation, an example that the human species was designed with the capacity and potential to serve as light incarnate.

As we experienced, living in or as light incarnate is not easy. But we, both Sidhe and you our cousins, hold the shapes and forms that make it possible.

We are here today in this conversation with you to offer our experience and perspective on light transmutation.

First, we must say we have not completely succeeded at it. Our withdrawal from the denser planes of your world has presented us some advantages but has also imposed significant limitations on our ability to work with integration of light and matter.

You still have the possibility and prospect of working on this integration and we wish to support you in that effort and undertaking.

From our vantage point it appears to us that there is a change occurring in the field within which you incarnate, and as well within your personal fields of matter and materiality. It is as if there is a recalibration of the light fields in and around you. From our side this makes many more points of contact with you possible.

Think of it this way: imagine your field of reality and vibration as a thick blanket, a rather heavy winter blanket with thick batting filling it. This has been the way your density and matter has appeared to us in the past. Sometimes even like a very wet, heavy, sopping and impenetrable blanket! But this appears much different now. We see a lighter blanket, with quite an open weave in many places, in fact if you hold it up to the light you could see through it in many places. This image captures the quality and degree of change we are seeing in the incarnate human field. Even as there is much pain and suffering and fear and injury, to you and to the planet, we have been struck by what is a pronounced transformation in the structure and capacity of your dimensional form.

From our perspective, this portends opportunity for great and positive change.

It also allows us to collaborate more closely with you, because the reforming field is more commensurate with ours, permitting easier access between us. In other words, your vibration has moved a step closer to ours and we have been able to move a step closer to you.

[Sidhe laughter here as they think using the word “reforming” is a pun.]

This is in many ways a surprising development to us. It did not happen in our time of crisis. If it had, perhaps we would not have retreated. As I have said in our earlier contact, we did not want to step back but we saw no other feasible option in order to stay in our fluidity of light. But now we see that at this time and in your place you have a choice that presents itself with auspicious possibility.

The recalibration that is occurring now has and is opening windows of light into the fabric of humanity. You are those windows. You are the portals. You are the light. And you have the unique configuration and capacities to continue as incarnate beings of light, bringing together the solidity of matter with the light of love in an embodied flow of radiance.

If we could have done this, if we had thought it possible we would have stayed.

As the fabric of your matter is reconfiguring, the blanket is lightening and the weave is opening up. Feel into the opening spaces, the place of light. We do the same from this side of the fabric.

In everyday pragmatic terms this means feel into your own light and reach out from that place with the assuredness of knowing love. We are we weaving a new cloth with filaments of love. You are working on the weft and we are working on the warp. This is a shared tapestry.

You do not need to know the outcome, rather we can work with the means. As humans you and we have the creative ability to imagine a desired outcome, without knowing that outcome, and begin down the path of building it. Our desired outcome is to bring healing and recovery and love and joy into our worlds. This is done one step at a time.

Imagine you are a wave of music. A melody tumbling like a bubbling brook. Perhaps you also see color in the music, and you feel joy as you ARE the mellifluous sounds of your self. You have no body but you are sound with light. This is something akin to Sidhe-ness. Now hold that feeling sense of sound-light, and bring it into your body.

Feel that?

This will give you a sense of your future, your opportunity, your prospect of Sidhe-ness embodied.

[much Sidhe laughter here].

We are excited and optimistic about this project, We want to work with you and help you accomplish this transition, and we look forward with happy anticipation to coming closer into communion with you.


Message from April 14, 2020

We would like to add some further remarks.

What we have said may appear aspirational or inspirational without enough direction. We realize you have been asking for more specifics.

We cannot give the exact direction and details that you are seeking, because what we are engaging in with you is a collaborative creative approach to healing and to doing it through change and innovation.

We do not know the outcome at this moment. Remembering our metaphor (although it is more than a metaphor) of blanket weaving, tending to weft and to warp, we only provide some of the necessary threads, and you provide the others.

To weave the new fabric, a new cloth, we must both, each of us on each side, participate in the future making.

We have approached you now, and this group in particular, because we see many of you are aware and able and poised to weave.

Perhaps a better metaphor, or starting step, would be to visualize thread making, the yarn making, the spinning of the strands with which we will we weave together.

These threads begin as filaments of light, your light and our light, and together we can spin them into the fiber for the new weaving. The beginning point is your own self light, it is the source of your filament for weaving. And this is not metaphor. This is an actual creative undertaking. It begins simply, it starts with that spark of your light, which then grows into your filament of light and through that you may be as a fiber optic connection to us through the openings in the weave.

In addition, we want to say we are very optimistic and hopeful at what we see happening. We appreciate your physical discomfort because we are aware that you are suffering it, and we want to offer you reassurance as well as blessing, and to say that from our perspective you are in a temporary condition. Change is in motion, and the trajectory is very encouraging.

Copyright © 2020 Susan Stanton Rotman