Purpose: To further and empower the relationship between Humanity and the Sidhe



Portals Connect is about the future. It is a seed project, part Human — part Sidhe, to enable both peoples to facilitate a greater relationship with one another. Though we inhabit separate realms, we share a common planetary destiny.


In primordial times we, as one people, answered the call of this planet, Gaia, to participate in its evolution. That calling remains. Among both Humans and Sidhe, some sense the impulse to expand and strengthen communication between us to further the growth and well being of Gaia. Our future holds the realization of this work. But we start now, building bridges that enable a robust relationship.

Further the RELATIONSHip

This website has evolved as a joint project with both Sidhe and Human participation. It offers books, exercises, and the voices of people presenting their experience with the Sidhe. It exists to assist Humanity to develop our intuitive subtle capacities - to see those who are not before our eyes, to hear those voices that do not reach our ears. It aspires to empower a greater Human — Sidhe connection.

Empower the collaboration

The intent of this site is to create a conversation among people who have had or are open to experiencing the presence of our “cousins” the Sidhe. It provides materials and practices that can further and empower the connections between Humanity and the Sidhe.

The Sidhe are collaborating in the creation of this website. They are crafting subtle structures to assist its discovery — like energizing a subtle version of Google — enabling people to discover and learn more about them.

Nurture a Dialogue

Recognizing that many people challenge the existence of beings who are not physically incarnate, this site is not intended to convince those who doubt the existence of the Sidhe. Nor is it for people desiring to escape to a realm of fantasy or glamour. The Sidhe wish to collaborate with mindful humans, present with themselves, grounded and appreciative of life in a physical incarnation. Working with the Sidhe requires practice, reflection, and patience. It is joyous but not glamorous.

This site is one of the many ways in which the Sidhe are reaching out to reconnect with Humanity. It is an experiment on both peoples parts. As with any experiment, the results, though hypothesized, are unknown. When we embark on this type of research, we are probing an inner space both within us and in our environment. We may need to create new techniques and instruments to explore this inner, subtle realm. The books, exercises, and classes are here to empower a person’s exploration. The blogs and other writings are here for us to share in a conversation. This site exists to create and nurture a dialogue — person to person — and person to Sidhe. They will be here participating, exploring, and learning as we Humans do the same. Their voices may be subtle and not easily discerned at first. But this is a seed project. It is meant to create future opportunities for Humanity and Sidhe to collaborate and communicate with one another.

It is the sincere hope that this site can further, empower, and nurture the re-connection of Humanity and the Sidhe.