Getting in Touch

Some years ago, I went on a tour of sacred sites in Ireland. In Loughcrew, County Meath, on top of Slieve na Cailli, several of us crawled into a small passage tomb. I sat in the dimly lit interior, surrounded by ancient carved glyphs, and rested into a timeless field. Suddenly I felt the presence of a being above and to my right, who greeted me with an energetic touch of my subtle body around my head. A touch like being brushed, like quicksilver, foreign and fluid but respectful, not frightening. I was not sure who this being was. Was he passing through the tomb as I was? Or was he a resident, an ancient guardian or watcher?

Years later, when I began working with the Card Decks of the Sidhe, I experienced only the faintest impressions of contact. The beautiful imagery spoke to me but I was not convinced that the Sidhe were paying any attention to me. I began to think that it was just not going to happen and I spent less time with the cards. That changed one day at David Spangler’s house. In the course of talking to a group of us, David mentioned that Mariel had joined us. A few minutes later I felt her touch me in a manner similar to what I had felt in the tomb. She energetically dipped into my subtle body above my head. I had no doubt it was her. The connection was brief, respectful, and curious. Her touch had that familiar quicksilver sensation, as in quick and silver. It’s difficult to describe so I use the word quicksilver to convey my sense of a shapeshifting fluidity and something bright and silver.

I have not met Mariel since, but now the Sidhe join me frequently, usually several at a time. I sense them energetically around my subtle body. As I ask them things, they telepathically show me images. I’ve begun to paint some of what they’ve shown me and sometimes they weigh in with more colors or feelings to consider. The theme of these paintings is centered on Gaia and the Feminine.

Once while hiking the conical hills of the Faery Glen on the Isle of Skye, I paused to attune to the land and its inhabitants. Suddenly, I saw a Sidhe in front of me, just a few feet away. I say I ‘saw’ him but only from the shoulders up. He seemed to be quite tall, judging from where his shoulders started. He wore a tall headdress of some kind but details were fuzzy. It was like looking through a thin mist. Seeing that I was aware of him, he said, “You’re with that Jeremy Berg fellow, aren’t you?” Surprised, I said “yes!” and then he abruptly disappeared. I laughed and imagined a network of Sidhe communicating with each other about the humans they interact with.

Recently, I sat in circle with friends who also work with the Sidhe. In the quiet as I tuned in, I became aware of one Sidhe talking to another, showing him one of the little paintings I had done at their inspiration. I heard no words and I barely saw the faintest suggestion of bodily forms. But I saw the two of them and I clearly saw the outlines of one of my paintings. I knew I was being introduced by one Sidhe to another as the one who does those paintings. Soon after, they took me telepathically on a kind of of art tour, moving me from one amazing art work to another. These were not flat two-dimensional art objects but more like fields of color and experience. Some were so foreign to me that I can’t recall them. But I did see a Sidhe version of Notre Dame Cathedral shaped in a beautiful glowing lace/metal material. Instead of the single tall spire that was destroyed in our human cathedral, theirs had multiple shorter spires suggesting community instead of a single dominating aspiration. They ended by taking me through a corridor lit up in cerulean blue, glowing yellow at the joints where walls, ceiling, or floor met. This glowing corridor opened in the distance into a square of cornflower blue. I believe this is a portal they’ve offered me to use in connecting with them.