A Song sung Blue – for our gorgeous Gaian girl …

In my last blog, on living Gaia’s whole earth partnership, I recounted how my Sidhe Amici (friends) and I work ‘Blue’ – crafting Poetry and Song for blessing rituals in honour of our (blue) planetary home. Inspired by the physical Beauty of world, we perform in harmony with Earth’s own resonance – itself a symphonic score of unique interbeing.

Our ‘Third Rock from Sun’ has been known as the ‘Blue Planet’ since the Apollo 8 mission to Moon captured an iconic image, ‘EarthRise’, in colour for the first time at the Solstice, 1968. While indigenous cultures have, since forever, called Earth ‘Mother’, to the ancient Greeks she was ‘Gaia’, a name appropriated by scientist James Lovelock, during his work for NASA in the 1960s, for the theory of a single symbiotic biosphere of interdependent life within the ‘thin blue line’ of our fragile atmospheric extent. A complex interactive system that could be considered a single organism (where each form of life a ‘cell’ in its body or a ‘child’ of its mother), humankind’s impacts on Gaia’s ability to ‘self-regulate’ continues to be severely tested. Her health, and that of all Life, suffers.

Each of us works within our sphere of influence, and with the tools gifted in this lifetime. To honour our beautiful Blue, my co-creative equation with Sidhe Amici is: Breath fuels Song + Legs empower Walking + Pen&Paper enable scripting while I walk, ever-on, a pilgrim for Love.

“An unsung Land is a dead Land.” With this Aboriginal Dreaming wisdom ringing in my head, I follow the tracks of the Ancestors along my ‘stretch’ of HomeSong singing in heart all the while. But each now and then, like the land artist Richard Long, I reach a ‘stopping place’ in the scape. Here is where I perform – for, with and on behalf of all Life of our One: Gaia.

The following is taken from our co-produced work: “In-Frame: A Blue Planetary Symphony”. With blessings and good grace to all who feel inspired to uplift their voices, with ours, in Song for our gorgeous Gaian girl – her (blue) Sanctuary and our (sacred) Home …

Homecome to you I walk into the Blue
Ascend your cragged and aether’d heights
Descend your chthonic star-lipped stairs –
Golden Eagle of the Southern Cirque
I greet thee afresh as I did the day-night
So many years past, as you soared o’er my sight.

Now I too glide aloft thermals vast
Future drawn from plethora’d past,for on
This day in this month on this mountain crest
Another beacon lingam’d, lit at Helvetia’s behest
Returned to beginning, embrace of known anew:
All Love here in-brought from Your wondrous Blue …

All elements welcomed – Sora, Kaze, Hi, Mizu, Tsuchi –
Heiwa our perennial PeacePole planted.
Alchemy of these five, Fedeli d’Amore,
conspirare’d, in gold-leaf’d adornment.
Love our only Ground, Love our ever work,
And this Song truly our Way, we Amici of the trail …

Yet when our Song here at an end
Given up shall I be to the Air again:
Fading to chorten’d Light …

For eternal is the Blue. And the Blue is me too –
Singing the sublime of our Blue Planet Blues …

Song sung Blue
Everybody knows one
Song sung Blue
Every garden grows one
But me and you
Just we two
With the Blues we sing
About the Beauty of the World
Our gorgeous Gaian girl
All the Joy She brings …

Song sung Blue
This our Eden’s colour
Song sung Blue
Never need another
Sing out loud
With a crowd
Wake her up from sleep
Listen close unto the ground
Hear her Soul, a treasured sound,
Rising from the deep ...

Song sung Blue
Happy happy happy
Song sung Blue
Make it Dragon-snappy
In thought and rhyme
Come join in too!
Dancing still point turning world
Watching golden Sun unfurl
Precious plenitude …

Song sung Blue
I could sing forever
Song sung Blue
Never is there never
A chance to praise
God-granted days
And count blessings true
All fingers toes and thumbs
Sweeping up enlightened crumbs
It’s a feast of Blue … And it’s all for You …
Yeah, it’s all for You … Yeah, for You, our Blue …

(With thanks to Mozart’s 21st Piano Concerto/Neil Diamond’s appropriation of same in a set of therapeutic 1972 lyrics for a dose of ‘the blues’, we Amici della Montagna della Luce have, with Faerie-like glee, shifted the dial this season of Equilibria, from human-centric to planetary-inclusive, as an opportunity to express the inherent Joy at the heart of FeltWorld – horizont/vertical, micro/macro’d and all in between. Amen …)

Text & Images Copyright Anne Gambling, PhD © 2018-2021

Listen to Anne singing this song.