As more people have been using the Card Deck of the Sidhe or have read about the Sidhe, David there is increased curiosity about them. How can they help us? How can we help them? What does it mean to work with the Sidhe in our daily lives? How can we contact them? And, of course, there is always a curiosity about who they are and how they live. These are questions that David had as well. During the years since Conversations with the Sidhe was published, he continued to have contact with Mariel. This book is a compilation of the further conversations between Mariel and David on a variety of topics.


The following excerpts are from conversations David Spangler had with Mariel, his primary Sidhe contact.


“There are many groups such as ours (Mariels group: ed.) around the world, as well as individuals within the Sidhe, who are part of this new wave of connection and reconciliation. We are exploring many strategies of contact and cooperation. The card deck we created with you is one such strategy, but by no means the only one. This is a joyful and exciting time for us and one of challenge as well, for there is not much we can do without your collaboration. Finding the proper gateways into your imaginations, your minds, and your hearts, and thus into your activities, is not a simple nor an easy process. There is much disbelief and misconception around who and what we are in your world. Like the salmon, we must swim upstream against strong currents of negativity, but we are strong. We will reach the place where we can spawn a new world together.”


“Here are my recommendations for connecting with us. Hold a mental image of us that is clear and consistent but flexible at the same time, an image that helps you feel in touch with us but which you are willing to change or let go of.

Hold qualities of strength and calm, joy and love, and peace as you think of us. Welcome us emotionally and with hospitality in your heart. The more serene and welcoming your emotional field is, the easier it is for us to connect with you. Invite us into your world and into your life with a willingness that we may both benefit from the contact. Be still and allow our beings to touch and blend as much as is appropriate for both of us. Feel us in your body as well as in your mind and heart. Feel us in your surroundings, blessing the space around you even as you bless it. Then we feel the chances are enhanced for communication. Blessings!”