A Past Story of the Sidhe ~
The rich folklore of Scotland and Ireland says the Sidhe once ruled the western regions of Ireland and were called Tuath Dé or "tribe of the gods". Defeated by the Milesians, or present day Irish, they retreated to the under or inner worlds.
They became the faerie folk, who on occasion took human form and mingled with ordinary people.They were variously known as The People of the Mounds, The Good Neighbors, The Faerie Folk, The People of Peace. Tradition spoke of their radiance and beauty, their fine craftsmanship and artistry. Søren Hauge in the The Wild Alliance remarks that medieval to modern poets, musicians, and artists believed their work to be inspired by the Sidhe.
Though the traditions we know of the Sidhe descend from the Celtic lands, the realm they inhabit encompasses the entire Earth. The multitude of their names and the stories of their interactions with the many inhabitants of Earth are unknown, lost, or hidden.
Though the traditions we know of the Sidhe descend from the Celtic lands, the realm they inhabit encompasses the entire Earth. The multitude of names and the stories of their interactions with the many inhabitants of Earth are unknown, lost, or hidden. But some native people knew them in the practices of their cultures. Our limited awareness of indigenous shamanic practices and their connections with the inner or subtle worlds inhibits our knowledge of what peoples had direct communication with the Sidhe. But both indigenous societies and the Sidhe have a deep connection with the natural world. It is not improbable that in the botanical realm there was sharing and collaboration. Regardless of the myths and legends that have descended from the past our interest is in the Sidhe of today.
Neither Sidhe nor Humanity live in a Medieval world. We share an Earth and a future together. It behooves us to create new connections and collaborations with them, unencumbered by past folklore and superstitions. Both Peoples - Humanity and Sidhe - have valuable contributions to offer one another.
This is a work begun in present to gift to the future. Members of both the Sidhe and Human community recognize the value of this shared endeavor and are contributing resources to it. It requires building bridges between the human physical realm and the subtle realm of the Sidhe. For humans this means developing the capacity to attune to one’s inner senses - to acknowledge that these senses exist and to empower them with practice. For the Sidhe it requires coming closer to our physical realm and enduring the discordance of current human activity. These are challenges for both Peoples. But the success of this project will enable the emergence of a world of greater wholeness with an expanded awareness of the fullness of life.