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The Future of our OnePeople’d Past

There be a stone in Cornwall. A stone with a history, the history of our common ancestry. And here be its story, as it were told to me. A story of a girl and a boy, a story of leeks and peas. And war. But let’s not dwell on that for now. Let’s begin at the beginning: With her. At peace. With her leeks, her peas …

Above are the opening lines of a (long) short Story I was asked to write by my Sidhe family beyond the veil – a veil that separates us from our OnePeople’d past, a veil that stands in the way of a shared future to reclaim and engage our responsibility as Cosmic Humanity incarnate on Earth, actively supporting the continued evolution of Gaia’s planetary consciousness.

The Story, Leeks & Peas, forms part of a collection of co-produced works published by Lorian Press in 2020. In a way it describes an episode from our sole/soul Myth of Being. Over time I have inhabited several such legendary spaces with a request to collaborate on transcribing the stories to help heal wounds and rifts between Humanity and Faerie. For years I demurred. I did not feel worthy; I did not think I knew enough, or that I would ever know enough.

But a stone in Cornwall called across the miles as 2019 closed, urgently asking to be the portal to this story of our shared past, for its Void to be the empty canvas onto which Memory could resurrect itself in a purity of bardic voice from the bare bones I had (till then) lived. I called on the Celtic goddess, Brigid, to speed my pen, make true my words, for this gift to be birthed in time for her signature celebration, Imbolc 2020. Visiting each home, blessing each hearth, farewelling Winter’s fallow, preparing ground for Spring’s seeding. I read the Story aloud to her before our own warming fire, and never has a Yule log been so chatty in response …

The Story references a particular Song which Gaia, as the original SkyChild, sang into being to bind herself to Earth’s physicality, to confirm her birth contract with our beautiful blue planetary home, to mother all its Life with all her Love. No question. The Song, likewise, serves as placeholder for our OnePeople’d origins – each of us sings the same Song of incarnation and covenant (in our own unique way) upon arrival to this plane of existence. But when we are veiled from ourselves? From our roots? When we forget the reason we came, which this sweet simple Song helps frame? Perhaps, with its resurrection, Memory can be re-woken and an opportunity for us to join, as Humanity and Faerie, in Love, together for and with Gaia in her enduring primal desire, stands again before our shared door.

In Leeks & Peas, the moment when the child of union (human/elven) resurrects the Song as a toddler at play is rendered thus:

"Conall smiled into her quizzical expression, shrugged. “I taught him nothing. But I do know the air; ‘tis the Song of our OnePeople. He’s uplifted it from memory, in company of his living doll. We call it the SkyChild’s Song. I sang to my mother also. And I remember the exact same scene – how she came, wondered at my whispered melody.”

"He looked into the past, said: “In the days before the veil came down, Mother journeyed far with her Sisters to do the Goddess’ work, in blessing of the Land. Here she was on the eve of another long journey, and here I was singing to her the memory of Sun’s original petition to all beings in the world!”

"He laughed, shook his head. “Of course, Mother knew the Song, but still she shed a fair few shining tears. Like yours now. Grateful for the Love and Grace with which the Song continues to be handed down – in thought, untaught. Like a child learning to walk, it just happens. Like a babe’s first Breath taken, then another, and another. So it with Song. There is more to it, of course, but he will learn it in time – on his own, in company of the doll, as it should be.”

“We come from the Stars and we return to the Stars.”

Truly are we Family, and truly we hail from the same rootstock. On both sides of veil, work is needed to help heal the rifts which split us asunder; remembering our shared stellar ancestry in Song is part of the equation. And, as this recording made on a high alpine meadow one day last Summer demonstrates (while some innocently blissful younglings thought it interesting to lick my hiking boots as I sang them a lullaby), it’s always fun to join with others in Song.

May your own journeys with the Song, in company of our Cousins of Gaia’s Commons, be as magical and blessed, your voice equally wearing a Child’s sweet dress!

Sun is in his shining sky
Sun is in his shining sky
Saying: Don’t be afraid
Don’t be afraid
Don’t be afraid of me.
No, don’t be afraid
Don’t you be afraid
Don’t you be afraid of me.

Moon is in her inky ground
Ever-changing slim to round
Saying: Calmly I stand
Calmly I stand
Calmly I stand with thee.
Yes, calmly I stand
With you do I stand
So calmly I stand with thee.

Oh! How Stars infill my sight
Raining down their cosmic might!
Saying: Sing with us now
Sing with us now
Sing with us now your dream.
Yes, sing with us now
Just sing with us now
You sing with us now your dream.

Sun Moon Stars – how I love thee!
How you talk to little me!
Saying: Earth’s your home
Respect your home
Please bless your home, like we.
Yeah! Earth’s your home
Respect your home
Please bless your home, like we...

Text & Images Copyright Anne Gambling, PhD © 2018-2021