Gaian Ecologies and the Sidhe - 1

Over a decade ago, the Sidhe tapped my shoulder to get my attention. At first, I paid scant notice. As I started acknowledging their presence, I experienced more sustained communication. I fostered my connection with the Sidhe, and our conversations evolved. Over several years I built a relationship with three individuals — a father, a mother, and their child. The names they shared with me are — Olander, the father; Marika, the mother; and Sashima, their daughter. [(O-lan-der), (Mir-EE-ka), (SA-sheem-a)]. We have become good friends, sharing impressions of our different environments, like having an overseas mate dwelling in a different culture. You share experiences about your family, your children’s accomplishments, or topics of mutual interest. Perhaps, you talk a bit about work, but your friend is an astrophysicist, and you are a home builder. Work conversations are brief.

As we became closer, they introduced me to their parents, “uncles'', and some other of their colleagues. Having worked together for several years, Olander and I have developed the capacity to share mutual “mindspace”. He is usually my liaison to other Sidhe. On occasion Marika, his wife, will initiate a connection, particularly with family and educators. She is a “vibratory botanist” working with the various energetic vibrations of our shared botanical world. When we converse, it is more heart-to-heart. I have a fond relationship with their daughter, Sashima. To her, I am a favorite uncle. She enthusiastically shares things she’s learned with me with joy and affection.

When talking about the Sidhe, I suggested the analogy of living in different cultures. But how do I explain a realm of non-dimensional space and non-linear time? Not easily, I assure you. Think of a world without air, water, or earth as we know it. And yet the Sidhe experience creeks and mountains — homes and villages. Like ourselves, who incarnate in the physical world, they incarnate in their realm. They are people who share many similarities to us. They live and die, love and educate their children, have vocations, have gatherings and celebrations, and create homes for themselves and their families. 

We share similarities because Sidhe and Humans originated from a common ancestor ages ago. Humans chose to incarnate in the physical realm while the Sidhe remained in a proto or more fluid domain of matter. Both realms exist in the greater world we call Gaia and border one another. The physical and Sidhe domains interact in the shared unseen or subtle worlds that interweave with the physical world. Both of our peoples carry the spiritual DNA of our ancient ancestors. We share many of the same values. One we hold in common is an innate appreciation for the natural world. They too are concerned about the ecological shifts occurring on our planet. Recognizing the loss of species diversity and environmental disruption, they are engaged in a program to ameliorate ecological disturbance.

I first learned of this in the spring of 2021. Not hearing from Sashima, I became concerned. One evening in May, her mother, Marika, told me she was fine but deeply engaged in a complex educational project and would soon be in touch.

A few days later, I dropped by to check with my friends and found myself surrounded by a buzz of activity. Many Sidhe, including many younger ones, appeared engaged in an elaborate undertaking whose nature eluded me. Sashima, noticing my presence, enthusiastically came to me and excitedly flooded my mind with a bewildering number of impressions. Her parents and other older Sidhe know I’m slow to understand this “mindspeak” form of communication. Unlike them, she flung a torrent of concepts at me, leaving me to sort them as best as possible. 

I understood that she was working in partnership with several young Sidhe on an ecological project together. They were exploring the energetic relationships of the different species that go into the formation of an ecosystem. These young people were modeling the unique vibratory characteristics of various species, then determining their compatibility and function within a balanced ecology. Since this was the initial project, they only worked within a Sidhe energetic environment. 

We also model ecosystems' energetic flows breaking them into trophic levels, designating producer and consumer species, often expressed as a pyramidal food chain. By the Sidhe’s standards, this type of modeling is extremely crude. The modeling process they are developing is much more comprehensive. What I am calling a vibratory characteristic is the unique biochemical composition of each species, the primary and ancillary relationships between the various species in the system, a species’ physical morphology and pattern of reproduction, and the species interactions with the elemental components of their environment - air, earth, water, and fire or heat. And not to be forgotten, the relationships with the faery, devic, and other subtle realms. I may be leaving essential elements off the list, but these are the ones I am currently aware of. I imagine this as a large non-euclidean three-dimensional dynamic pattern that is constantly in motion and changing but inherently balanced. 

This was the first project of this young Sidhe cohort. Though this initial project only utilized energetic patterns native to their world, their training would eventually include developing models of ecosystems in our physical world. We consider ecological systems evolving based on natural laws. We understand that an ecology arises from laws such as the law of natural selection, competitive exclusion, succession, etc. We recognize human intervention in the evolution of ecosystems, principally as disturbance and destabilization of the system. They view the formative forces in a stable system more subtly.

Simply put, not all evolution is strictly governed by the physical laws we humans know. There are fields of non-physical forces that interact with the physical laws that can shape the pattern or behavior on a species and system-wide level. Our word for this is magic. But magic is a term that denotes our current lack of understanding of the many energetic fields that overlight the physical world. 

These young Sidhe were experimenting with ecologies as they understood them. They were initiating different ecological relationships on an energetic level to see how the various entities within the system responded. My energy waned as I began to understand better what was taking place. I knew my connection was fading, and I would need to return another day to learn more.

This post is the first of a series, and more will follow. ~ ed.