Posts tagged Ceremony
Living Gaia’s Whole Earth Partnership – in Song

As anyone who interacts with Sidhe can attest, they work hard but their dedication to task is joy-infused, laughter-inflected, innocence-fed, celebration-abundant. I tap into their energy through such joy (whimsy, Bardic poetry and silly songs inclusive), a lightness-of-being infilling body and mind, a ‘grounded fluidity’ (as Mariel suggests we embrace) to be mergent with the wonders of our glorious world. ‘Tis a connection to Beauty we humans oft-bury beneath layers of scrutiny and sobriety. Indeed, each time I become too earnest in my approach, nervous at looming deadlines, or worried about failing at (shared) task, more often than not a practical joke is played to jog me out of the pit of my own despair, to make me laugh aloud, remind me of the ‘Sky Child’s’ wide-eyed, open-mouthed joy to incarnate – here, now – as witness, participant and co-creator in Gaia’s evolution. Each of us is a necessary part of the puzzle, each of us has a part to play in the unfoldment, and I am grateful for my Sidhe collaborators’ support (and prodding) each step of the way.

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