Posts tagged Mariel
Presence to Presence

Now it is time for a further step, one that emphasizes our shared identity as humans and more specifically as incarnating humans. It is true we do not incarnate into matter in the way you do, but in our own environment, we are as incarnate as you. For us, as for you, incarnation is a process of creating an incarnational vehicle out of the relationships we form with the matter, the life, and the spirit of our environment. To use your imagery, we also perform a Presence Exercise at the heart of which is our embodied soul. We share the same challenge of creating and sharing wholeness.

Because of this, in this respect we are as human as you. Humanity is an artisan of synthesis, a spirit of synthesis, drawing disparate elements together to form a whole that emerges as something greater than the parts that form it. We share this human capacity and nature with you.

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Sidhe Messages Regarding COVID 19

An Exercise — “… "Today, let us focus on the delivery people who are out delivering goods we need," or "Today, let us focus on the grocery clerks who are enabling us to find food," and so on. In other words, I hold in mind a group of people helping in or affected by this crisis and use my link with or understanding of that group to direct the helpful, life-affirming energies of my Sidhe allies towards them.

A Reflection — “The current social, economic, environmental, and other institutional maladies on the planet are bringing your options into high relief. This is actually a positive manifestation in our view. We share a great sense of prospect that is quite exciting if you understand the full context of your capabilities and your power to make change.”

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Living Gaia’s Whole Earth Partnership – in Song

As anyone who interacts with Sidhe can attest, they work hard but their dedication to task is joy-infused, laughter-inflected, innocence-fed, celebration-abundant. I tap into their energy through such joy (whimsy, Bardic poetry and silly songs inclusive), a lightness-of-being infilling body and mind, a ‘grounded fluidity’ (as Mariel suggests we embrace) to be mergent with the wonders of our glorious world. ‘Tis a connection to Beauty we humans oft-bury beneath layers of scrutiny and sobriety. Indeed, each time I become too earnest in my approach, nervous at looming deadlines, or worried about failing at (shared) task, more often than not a practical joke is played to jog me out of the pit of my own despair, to make me laugh aloud, remind me of the ‘Sky Child’s’ wide-eyed, open-mouthed joy to incarnate – here, now – as witness, participant and co-creator in Gaia’s evolution. Each of us is a necessary part of the puzzle, each of us has a part to play in the unfoldment, and I am grateful for my Sidhe collaborators’ support (and prodding) each step of the way.

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