Posts tagged Ireland
Stones and Dancers

But the movement within the stones of the Beltany circle was particularly remarkable. The kinetic flow across circuits or the odd sensation of leaning that I might find in other rocks was amplified in these. Instead of just leaning, these rocks pulled me into a rhythmic sway. Swinging to and fro, in swirling patterns, I realized with a giddy delight that the stones were dancing. And I felt they were partaking in the creation of the music to which they danced.

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Abide in Joy

…Once fortified with a sense of self and agency, I presented myself to the Sidhe as a joyous and shiny human. The opening was just as swift as before. I can only describe some of the experience in words. Communication with the Sidhe takes place telepathically for me. It flows in images and emotions and sometimes I feel that what I remember afterward is less than actually took place. Here is what I can put into words. I sank into the mountain. A number of Sidhe greeted me. I sensed I was inside a dwelling with tall elegant cathedral-like arches. I had an impression of lovely colors and light. True to my wish to avoid passivity, I began to describe to the Sidhe what it’s like to be human on our side, so immersed are we in matter. I wanted to convey how difficult our lives can be, how hard I’ve worked during my life to rise out of trauma and pain. How precious to me are the strengths, insights, and compassionate love that have emerged in me from this struggle.

When I was finished with my description, I handed them a rolled-up sheaf of parchment papers. And I told them “These are maps of the human hearts of all of us who have come to visit you today.”

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