Posts tagged Sidhe
Presence to Presence

Now it is time for a further step, one that emphasizes our shared identity as humans and more specifically as incarnating humans. It is true we do not incarnate into matter in the way you do, but in our own environment, we are as incarnate as you. For us, as for you, incarnation is a process of creating an incarnational vehicle out of the relationships we form with the matter, the life, and the spirit of our environment. To use your imagery, we also perform a Presence Exercise at the heart of which is our embodied soul. We share the same challenge of creating and sharing wholeness.

Because of this, in this respect we are as human as you. Humanity is an artisan of synthesis, a spirit of synthesis, drawing disparate elements together to form a whole that emerges as something greater than the parts that form it. We share this human capacity and nature with you.

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Restoring the Trees of Life

…The Star People, or the Sidhe, having decided that they would help the trees, gathered in a great meadow under a towering tree. This was no ordinary tree, for it was one of the World Trees—the Tree of Life. Its leaves were made of starlight — reds, yellows, blues, purples, and silvers. And its roots reached down so deeply that they touched other worlds. From the roots of this tree, our world was joined with the world of the Star People. Many Star People came to this conference and among them was the family of Sashima, daughter of Olander and Marika. Marika was a botanist. A botanist is a person who knows all about plants and trees. Sashima was also very interested in plants. And she was learning all about them in school. Besides knowing much about trees, her whole family also knew Humans, which was another reason this Sidhe family were invited to the gathering. Sashima and her family were familiar with Humans

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Human and Sidhe - Weaving a New Future

From our vantage point it appears to us that there is a change occurring in the field within which you incarnate, and as well within your personal fields of matter and materiality. It is as if there is a recalibration of the light fields in and around you. From our side this makes many more points of contact with you possible. …

From our perspective, this portends opportunity for great and positive change.

It also allows us to collaborate more closely with you, because the reforming field is more commensurate with ours, permitting easier access between us. In other words, your vibration has moved a step closer to ours and we have been able to move a step closer to you.

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Stones and Dancers

But the movement within the stones of the Beltany circle was particularly remarkable. The kinetic flow across circuits or the odd sensation of leaning that I might find in other rocks was amplified in these. Instead of just leaning, these rocks pulled me into a rhythmic sway. Swinging to and fro, in swirling patterns, I realized with a giddy delight that the stones were dancing. And I felt they were partaking in the creation of the music to which they danced.

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An Unexpected Invitation

I also felt the presence of rocks and forests and a northern tone in the approaching individual, a male who took the opportunity to share some condensed thoughts or images with me. Keeping my focus, I picked up the paper and wrote down what came from him straight to my mind:

“Our musicality comes from the fact that we listen with full attention to the notes of living beings and everything around us. The sounds dance on the background of silence. We listen to the language of sounds – the music of wholeness. The music of the earth and the mountains. The music of the water and the rain. The music of the air and the wind. The music of the sun and the fire. The crises and conflicts of human life hurt our ears. We are more inclined to withdraw. We have to overcome this inclination in order to stay. Humans think in separated words – as speech. We think in coherent verses – like music. Humans often act in separating ways. We act in combining ways like tunes in a song. Begin to think more musically. Melodious – tuneful. Learn to feel through connections – tonally. Try to act more organically, kindly, vibrantly.”

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Abide in Joy

…Once fortified with a sense of self and agency, I presented myself to the Sidhe as a joyous and shiny human. The opening was just as swift as before. I can only describe some of the experience in words. Communication with the Sidhe takes place telepathically for me. It flows in images and emotions and sometimes I feel that what I remember afterward is less than actually took place. Here is what I can put into words. I sank into the mountain. A number of Sidhe greeted me. I sensed I was inside a dwelling with tall elegant cathedral-like arches. I had an impression of lovely colors and light. True to my wish to avoid passivity, I began to describe to the Sidhe what it’s like to be human on our side, so immersed are we in matter. I wanted to convey how difficult our lives can be, how hard I’ve worked during my life to rise out of trauma and pain. How precious to me are the strengths, insights, and compassionate love that have emerged in me from this struggle.

When I was finished with my description, I handed them a rolled-up sheaf of parchment papers. And I told them “These are maps of the human hearts of all of us who have come to visit you today.”

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1% Inspiration - 99% Perspiration

When the concept of Elven Gates came to me, I was soaring. Dare I allow myself to consider creating portals to another realm? There’s another 1 to 99 ratio. One percent reality and ninety-nine percent fantasy. That’s the realm my ideas inhabited in those days. Admitting this private reverie publicly is a bit embarrassing. Nonetheless I was captivated by the idea of creating portals or gateways to a deeper inner connection with the subtle realms and manifesting them physically.

…This first portal initiated my understanding that the energetic pathway through a form has more importance than its visual design. I could have could have cut the arches and affixed them to the inside and outside of the posts and visually the arch would look the same. But the energy would not flow through it. It was important first lesson for me and very much in line with what I’ve come to understand of how the Sidhe shape substance in their realm.

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On the Trail of Knocknarea

A silent voice interrupted my thoughts; "Jeremy .... Jeremy .... look to your right". I stopped and looked. Nothing seemed unusual (if that can be said about this dramatic landscape). The scene was unfamiliar and I knew little about the area but my attention was drawn to a specific cliff profile. As I stood looking for some clue for the suggestion my friend Søren came up from behind and said, "That is the famous Fairy Fort, the mountain of Ben Bulben."

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First Contact

It was a nudge of my shoulder. Or rather more like a scarf flying out as someone rushed past me. Barely perceptible but it got my attention. I was quietly on the dunes of Cape Kiwanda, Oregon, listening as the distant surf heaved onto the shores before me. There was no one near me but I still had the sense that someone brushed by me.

It was the summer of 2010. My teenage son and his step brother were romping across the Cape. Neither my wife nor I felt the same urge to charge about and sat relaxed on the warm sands. In a natural setting like the Cape, I often sit and connect with the landscape, as I did then - sensing the earth and sand, the wind sculpted trees, the rolling ocean before me. I’m not a hardy outdoors person trekking through the wilderness or scaling mountain peaks. But I’ve felt at home on sandy shores and forest trails since I was a kid.

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