Posts tagged Sidhe Glyph
1% Inspiration - 99% Perspiration

When the concept of Elven Gates came to me, I was soaring. Dare I allow myself to consider creating portals to another realm? There’s another 1 to 99 ratio. One percent reality and ninety-nine percent fantasy. That’s the realm my ideas inhabited in those days. Admitting this private reverie publicly is a bit embarrassing. Nonetheless I was captivated by the idea of creating portals or gateways to a deeper inner connection with the subtle realms and manifesting them physically.

…This first portal initiated my understanding that the energetic pathway through a form has more importance than its visual design. I could have could have cut the arches and affixed them to the inside and outside of the posts and visually the arch would look the same. But the energy would not flow through it. It was important first lesson for me and very much in line with what I’ve come to understand of how the Sidhe shape substance in their realm.

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