Posts tagged children's story
Restoring the Trees of Life

…The Star People, or the Sidhe, having decided that they would help the trees, gathered in a great meadow under a towering tree. This was no ordinary tree, for it was one of the World Trees—the Tree of Life. Its leaves were made of starlight — reds, yellows, blues, purples, and silvers. And its roots reached down so deeply that they touched other worlds. From the roots of this tree, our world was joined with the world of the Star People. Many Star People came to this conference and among them was the family of Sashima, daughter of Olander and Marika. Marika was a botanist. A botanist is a person who knows all about plants and trees. Sashima was also very interested in plants. And she was learning all about them in school. Besides knowing much about trees, her whole family also knew Humans, which was another reason this Sidhe family were invited to the gathering. Sashima and her family were familiar with Humans

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